New South Korean President may warm to North Korea

by 8:30 PM 0 comments
If such a policy shift were to occur, it would be particularly significant amid North Korea`s recent missile launches and Chinese retaliation over the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD), an anti-ballistic missile system designed to protect South Korea from North Korean weapons.
Saenuri, the ruling conservative party whose reputation was hit from Park`s scandal, has yet to produce a strong contender, leaving left-leaning opposition parties in the lead.
A separate survey by Realmeter on Saturday showed the Democratic Party, who has four presidential candidates in total, obtaining 45.
7 percent support, the most of any political group.
Traditionally, liberal governments have pursued different foreign policy agendas from their conservative peers.
A presidential election to replace the former leader will be held by May 9 at the latest and many political pundits say the public will elect the nation`s first liberal president in a decade.



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