How a skeletal rickshaw commemorates India`s deadly riots

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I think it conflates space and time in a way that some of my work does," Kallat told the BBC.
Image caption Kallat`s turmeric-coloured installation of Gandhi`s speech on civil disobedienceKallat`s installation had Vivekananda`s speech lit up in the Department of Homeland Security`s threat alert colour-code LED displays.
A recent show in Delhi by the 42-year-old artist has similarly mirrored India`s current political and social anxieties.
Instead it takes the viewer through related strands that show up across Kallat`s works and ideas that have reappeared or have been revisited as the past and present become sobering companion pieces.
Image caption Kallat`s chilling installation on the horrors of the Gujarat riotsThe third, Public Notice 3, was a site specific work at the Art Institute of Chicago in 2010.



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