Nisreen El-Hashemite on promoting women in science

by 9:30 PM 0 comments
Science is the basis for sustainable development, according to Nisreen El-Hashemite, founder and president of Women in Science International League.
"We need to empower women in science, and to achieve parity in science, if we want to transform our world in 2030," El-Hashemite told CNBC`s "The Rundown.
While science and scientific research can lead to new discoveries that can help with achieving sustainable development, the field remains dominated by men.
For many countries, taking steps to achieving sustainable development over the next decade has become a priority, and one scientist suggested to CNBC that having more women in scientific fields and research could speed things up.
El-Hashemite is a medically trained doctor and scientist and is also a member of the Iraqi royal family ? her grandfather, King Faisal I, was the first king of modern Iraq.



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