President Park colluded with friend to receive Samsung bribe

by 10:30 PM 0 comments
South Korea`s President Park Geun-hye colluded with her friend Choi Soon-sil to receive bribes from Samsung Group, which was aimed to cement Samsung Chief Jay Y.
Lee`s control of the company, a special prosecutor said in a statement on Monday.
Samsung Group on Monday reiterated its claim that it did not pay bribes or seek illicit favors in response to the special prosecutor`s announcement.
"Future court proceedings will reveal the truth," Samsung said in a statementFollow CNBC International on Twitter and Facebook.
The investigation looked into an influence-peddling scandal involving Park, who was impeached by parliament in December after accusations she had colluded with her long-time friend Choi to pressure big businesses to donate to two foundations set up to back the president`s policy initiatives.
In a statement detailing the findings of its investigation, the special prosecutor`s office said the National Pension Service voted in favor of a merger of two Samsung Group affiliates in 2015, despite anticipating a 138.
8 billion won ($119.
87 million) loss.



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