Rumors may swirl about Trump and Brexit, but this expert cautions to wait for the facts

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Peter Andersen, chief investment officer at Boston-based Fiduciary Trust told CNBC on Thursday that people shouldn`t invest on rumors, but rather wait for the facts to emerge.
Still, he said, "there are not many facts to analyze at this point and it`s very important to differentiate between facts and speculation.
"According to Andersen, Trump`s failure to push a replacement for the Affordable Care Act has perhaps made the president realize that this isn`t exactly Business 101 and compromises are necessary in politics.
Speculation about Donald Trump`s presidency has moved the markets, but they may be getting ahead of themselves, according to one investor.
On that, Andersen urged investors not to forget that Trump is "on a learning curve ? as we all are trying to understand his learning curve"Andersen took a similar view on Brexit.



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