The `Presidential` President finally steps up

by 5:30 AM 0 comments
She then echoed the word of the day, adding, "The speechwriter here has done a brilliant job?All the Democrats said `oh my gosh this changes everything because now he sounds presidential`.
Despite widespread complaints over the lack of policy detail, the European media on Wednesday had a broadly positive reaction to the tone and delivery of President Donald Trump`s first address to the U.
"Yet "this is not a speech for the financial markets?that is the last thing on his speechwriter`s mind and the President`s mind ?it`s a speech to the public," Pippa Malmgren, Founder, DRPM Group, reminded viewers on CNBC`s Squawk Box on Wednesday.
"The Financial Times` Demetri Sevastopulo similarly noted that Trump "struck an uncharacteristically measured tone," before adding the qualification that this was, however, a speech that "left markets disappointed by the lack of detail on tax cuts and other policy plans.
British broadsheet The Telegraph commented that Trump was "unusually measured and embraced the pomp and tradition of a presidential address to Congress," while The Times of London`s Rhys Blakely went further to call the address "a measured, wide-ranging speech? which looked to reset his presidency after a fitful start.



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