China calls for cooperation to fight Uighur militants after video released

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The video was released this week by the U.
-based SITE Intelligence Group which monitors militant groups online.
Reuters was not able to independently verify the authenticity of the video.
BEIJING China`s Foreign Ministry said on Wednesday it wanted to work with the international community to fight Uighur militants, following the purported release by Islamic State of a video showing Uighur fighters in training.
China is worried that Uighurs, a mostly Muslim people from western China`s Xinjiang region, have gone to Syria and Iraq to fight for militant groups there, having traveled illegally via Southeast Asia and Turkey.
Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang said he was not aware of the video and had not seen it.
The Iraqi unit of Islamic State has released a half-hour long video purportedly showing Uighurs training, as well as some images from inside Xinjiang, including Chinese police on the streets.



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