Merkel`s NATO Defense Pledge Doubted by German Foreign Minister

by 4:30 AM 0 comments
Germany is unlikely to raise defense spending to the level agreed by NATO allies because it?s politically difficult and would place an ?unrealistic? burden on the country?s budget, Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel said.
?We shouldn?t give promises that, if you know German domestic politics, are unfulfillable,? said Gabriel, whose Social Democratic Party is the junior partner in Merkel?s coalition.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel said in February that while ?we feel obligated to this goal? and defense spending has risen on her watch, simply pumping money into the military isn?t the answer and development aid should also be taken into account.
?It is totally unrealistic to create the impression in Germany or its partners? that the pledge will be met, Gabriel told reporters in Tallinn on Wednesday.
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization agreed in 2014 that all member countries should ?aim to move toward? spending 2 percent of economic output on defense by 2024.



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