Democrats Wear Blue and Red Pins During Trump`s Congress Speech

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Many House Democrats listening to President Donald Trump`s speech to Congress on Tuesday could be seen wearing two types of pins: blue and red.
The blue pins read #ProtectOurCare and referred to Trump`s threat to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act implemented by President Barack Obama.
A group of female Democratic lawmakers also wore white during Trump`s speech, a nod to the women`s suffrage movement that encouraged followers to dress in the color as a symbol of purity.
Look closely and you?ll see Democrats at tonight?s #JointSession wearing this button to support the fight to #ProtectOurCare! pic.
com/BiBN2GkNS9 ? Nancy Pelosi (@NancyPelosi) March 1, 2017A Democratic source explained that the red pins were in the shape of a question mark, representing what critics say are unanswered questions surrounding Trump`s tax returns, his ties with Russia and other policy plans.



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