Facebook artificial intelligence spots suicidal users

by 3:30 AM 0 comments
Image copyright Facbook Image caption Facebook said its algorithms would flag this message as expressing suicidal thoughtsFacebook has begun using artificial intelligence to identify members that may be at risk of killing themselves.
Image copyright Facebook Image caption Users judged to be at risk will see a message from Facebook advising them how to seek help"We know that speed is critical when things are urgent," Facebook product manager Vanessa Callison-Burch told the BBC.
Facebook also announced new ways to tackle suicidal behaviour on its Facebook Live broadcast tool and has partnered with several US mental health organisations to let vulnerable users contact them via its Messenger platform.
Image copyright Facebook Image caption Facebook Live users who discuss killing themselves will be given advice but will not have their stream interruptedThe latest effort to help Facebook Live users follows the death of a 14-year-old-girl in Miami, who livestreamed her suicide on the platform in January.
"The opportunity for prevention, even with Facebook Live, is better now than ever before.



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