Senior Community Service Employment Program: This Labor Department service, meant to help low-income unemployed seniors to get back to work, would be eliminated under the Trump budget.
The White House claims as many as a third of participants don?t complete the program and only half the graduates make it to ?unsubsidized? employment.
Below are some winners and losers in the Commerce, Labor and Treasury Departments, according to the plan released by the Office of Management and Budget Thursday.
The president wants to eliminate the 52-year-old agency, which provides grants in a bid to boost regional economies, but that the White House says are redundant and have limited impact.
Terrorism and Financial Intelligence: While this Treasury Department office isn?t explicitly named, the Trump budget plan ?prioritizes funding for Treasury?s array of economic enforcement tools,? hinting that programs that freeze financial accounts of terrorists, for instance, will see a healthy boost.
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