Trump could use a Negroni, says Campari CEO

by 1:30 AM 0 comments
A little drink would do President Donald Trump a "lot of good," the chief executive of Campari group told CNBC on Wednesday.
""Although I think a Negroni would do him a lot of good," he added in reference to the Campari and gin cocktail.
When asked about what impact Trump`s border tax might have on the spirits business, Bob Kunze-Concewitz, CEO of Gruppo Campari said: "Usually I only comment on things I can influence and I don`t think Mr Trump will be listening to me on this topic.
The U.
has become the most important market for the Italian firm, which also sells Skyy vodka and Aperol.
According to some analysts calculations, Campari would see a marginal benefit from a border tax, given that it produces two of its best sellers in the U.
, which would offset the losses imposed on imported goods, Kunze-Concewitz said.



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