Trump Met Russian Ambassador During Campaign at Speech Reception

by 8:30 PM 0 comments
The federal government has launched multiple investigations into Russia?s interference in the 2016 U.
presidential election and potential contacts between Moscow and the Trump campaign.
President Donald Trump met last April with the Russian ambassador at the center of a pair of controversies over engagement between Trump allies and the Kremlin, despite claims by his spokeswoman that he had "zero" involvement with Russian officials during the campaign.
Trump met Kislyak during a VIP reception April 27 at the Mayflower Hotel shortly before a foreign policy address, according to a report at the time in the Wall Street Journal.
The White House has also said Kislyak met with Trump?s son-in-law and adviser, Jared Kushner.
Renewed ScrutinyBut the White House has come under renewed scrutiny over ties between campaign officials and Russia.



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