8 times Russia blocked a UN resolution on Syria

by 6:30 AM 0 comments
which sought to condemn the killings and call on the Assad regime to cooperate with an international investigation into the attack.
Over 20 UNSC resolutions on Syria have been passed, most with unanimous backing, but if one of the five permanent members of the UNSC vetoes a draft resolution, it automatically fails.
Wednesday`s veto was the eighth time Russia has used its veto -- often along with China -- to torpedo a UN draft resolution on Syria since its civil war began in 2011.
4 October 2011 Vetoes: China, Russia 4 February 2012 The Russian and Chinese delegations both used their "no" votes again four months later,blocking a resolution which expressed "grave concern at the deterioration of the situation in Syria," and "profound concern at the death of thousands of people.
calling for an immediate end to all violence.
" Vetoes: China, Russia 19 July 2012 Later in 2012, the Russians and Chinese again voted against a draft resolution, "condemning the Syrian authorities` increasing use of heavy weapons.
and armed violence in all its forms, including by armed opposition groups; Condemning the continued widespread violations of human rights by the Syrian authorities, and armed opposition groups.
" Vetoes: China, Russia 22 May 2014 Vetoes: China, Russia 8 October 2016 Over two years later, as Assad`s forces descended on the rebel-held city of Aleppo, the UNSC again attempted to register "outrage at the alarming number of civilian casualties caused by escalating level of violence and indiscriminate aerial bombings in Aleppo.
" Veto: Russia 5 December 2016 It also called for all parties to give the United Nations and its partners "unimpeded humanitarian access.
" Both China and Russia voted against the resolution.
Vetoes: China, Russia 28 February 2017 Despite passing a resolution in September 2013 which called for the verification and destruction of Syria`s chemical weapon stockpile, China and Russia blocked a draft resolution this February that called for sanctions on parties involved.
Members had been asked to vote on the "imposition of sanctions on entities and individuals deemed to have been involved in the production or use of chemical weapons in Syria.
" Vetoes: China, Russia 12 April 2017 to fail at the hands of Russia`s veto power came in the wake of the gas attack onKhan Sheikhoun in Idlib province.
The draft resolution condemned the attacks and called for an international investigation into the perpetrators.
This time China abstained.
Veto: Russia



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