"To build a successful bomb, that actually will detonate at the right moment that you need it to, requires a little bit more effort and skill. To have one that actually works and to such deadly effect is certainly a disturbing feature of this particular attack," Pantucci commented.
Analysts from Jane`s Terrorism and Insurgency Centre (JTIC) referred to hospital staff in Manchester saying that they were treating people for shrapnel wounds, which, according to the note`s authors indicated "the likely use of an improvised explosive device (IED) filled with nails, ball bearings, or other metal."
The attack took place within one of the U.`s largest cities which is located in the country`s north and counts a population of over half a million people. Ian Hopkins, chief constable of the Greater Manchester Police, said Tuesday that police believe the attack was carried out by one man who had an improvised explosive device and who also died in the bombing.
The British Transport Police has also revealed that the explosion occurred in the foyer area of the Manchester Area, which JTIC analysts suggest illustrates the vulnerability of mass gatherings such as Monday evening`s concert which had hosted 21,000 attendees and has overtones of other recent tragic attacks.
"Though no claim has been made, the attack fits with the targeting patterns of the Islamist militant groups, with concert venues and clubs targeted previously: For instance in the Islamic State`s attack on the Bataclan concert hall in Paris, France, on 13 November 2015 which killed 89 people, or the attack on the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida, on 12 June 2016, which killed 49 people," the JTIC note added.
Sophisticated weapon used in Manchester terror attacks is ‘disturbing’, says security expert
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