Source: Pence never informed about Flynn

by 10:00 PM 0 comments
The White House has denied a story in The New York Times that Flynn informed White House Counsel Don McGahn, then the lawyer for Trump`s transition, on January 4 that he was under federal investigation for working as a lobbyist for Turkey during the presidential campaign.
The source called the report of another discretion by Flynn "stunning.
" More from NBC News: Flynn Delayed Anti-ISIS Plan That Turkey Opposed Turkey Blames `Terrorist` Protesters for Huge D.
Brawl Jason Chaffetz to Resign From Congress June 30 This would be the second time that Pence claims he was kept in the dark about possible Flynn wrongdoings, despite the White House`s alleged knowledge of them.
Earlier this year, Pence said he was not made aware of Flynn`s discussions with Russian officials until 15 days after Trump and the White House were notified.
The source close to the administration, who requested anonymity as the White House denies the story, is now saying that Pence and his team were not made aware of any investigation relating to Flynn`s work as a foreign agent for Turkey.
"It`s also a fact that if he told McGahn that during the transition, it`s also a fact that not only was Pence not made aware of that, no one around Pence was as well," the source said.
"And that`s an egregious error — and it has to be intentional.
It`s either malpractice or intentional, and either are unacceptable.



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