Georgia prisoners Rowe and Dubose caught after massive manhunt

by 10:30 PM 0 comments
Two US inmates who were on the run since Tuesday after shooting dead two prison officers have been captured, officials say.
Donnie Rowe and Ricky Dubose were seized in the state of Tennessee.
The men overpowered the guards as they were transported by bus to another facility in the state of Georgia.
This triggered a massive nationwide manhunt, with the authorities warning that the public was in "grave danger" because the inmates were armed.
On Thursday, officials said the two men were in custody following a car chase, without providing any further details.
On Tuesday, police said Rowe and Dubose, who were both serving time for armed robbery at Baldwin State Prison, had taken control of a prison transport bus on Highway 16 - between the towns of Sparta and Eatonton.
"They were inside the caged area of the bus," Sheriff Sills said at a press conference.
"How they got through the locks and things up to that area I do not know.
" The prisoners "overpowered" the guards and "they then disarmed them and one of the subjects shot and killed both guards", according to a bulletin issued by the Putnam County Sheriff`s office.
Correctional officers Christopher Monica, 42 and Curtis Billue, 58, were both killed, the Georgia Department of Corrections confirmed.
The authorities described the fugitive as "dangerous beyond description".



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