London fire: Police say 30 people have died, hope death toll does not exceed ‘triple figures’

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Searching the London tower block ravaged in a massive fire on Wednesday could take months, a police chief told reporters on Thursday, adding he hoped the death toll would not rise from 17 to "triple figures".
Emergency services are set to spend a third day looking for bodies in the burnt-out Grenfell Tower block in central London.
Police said 17 people were killed in the blaze but warned this number is set to rise, with British media reporting the death toll could exceed 100.
When asked whether the final number of people who had been killed in the fire would likely be double or triple digits, Metropolitan Police Commander Stuart Cundy said, "I`d like to hope that it isn`t going to be triple figures.
" Since Wednesday, six victims of the fire have been provisionally identified though Cundy warned there was a "risk that sadly we may not be able to identify everybody.
" British Prime Minister Theresa May has ordered a full public inquiry into the fire while police have subsequently launched a criminal investigation.



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