Trump Travel Ban Said to Take Effect Thursday Evening U.S. Time

by 7:30 PM 0 comments
The Trump administration will put its new travel restrictions on refugees and migrants from six countries into effect at 8 p.
eastern time on Thursday, according to a person familiar with the matter.
  The rollout of the executive order, which follows a Supreme Court decision Monday that parts of it could go ahead, is being led by the State Department.
The timing is aimed at giving embassies and consulates worldwide sufficient direction earlier in the day on how to carry out the order before it goes into effect, according to the person, who asked not to be identified because the move hasn’t been formally announced.
The policy is an attempt to flesh out a June 26 Supreme Court decision reviving President Donald Trump’s 90-day travel ban on people entering the U.
from six predominantly Muslim countries: Iran, Libya, Yemen, Somalia, Sudan and Syria.
Details of the administration’s implementation plans weren’t immediately available.
Read a Scorecard on the Legal Issues Surrounding the Trump Travel Ban After months of delays of Trump’s initial travel ban and a revised version, which were held up by the courts, the Supreme Court’s 13-page ruling allowed the government to deny entry to people from the six nations who don’t have existing ties to the U.
But determining who has “bona fide” U.
connections -- the court’s phrase -- has tied up officials from the Department of Homeland Security, the State Department and the Justice Department since the ruling was issued.
Implementing the ban requires providing clear guidance for thousands of customs and consular officials, as well as airlines and other travel companies around the world who want to avoid the confusion and chaos generated by Trump’s initial attempt to enforce his policy in January.



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