Brought down by corruption: 4 world leaders shown the door

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Unscrupulousness, double-dealing, fraud — corruption and wrongdoing have toppled a number of world leaders over the last year.
Here`s a few of them.
Brazil Brazil’s president, Dilma Rousseff, was impeached last year for allegedly manipulating government accounts ahead of an election there.
She was thrown out of office, specifically, for moving loans from state banks between different government departments without congressional approval — illegal under Brazilian law.
Her successor, Michel Temer, is also involved in a corruption scandal, for allegedly taking bribes from the world`s largest meatpacker, a claim he denies.
  Iceland Former prime minister Sigmundur David Gunnlaugsson stepped down in 2016 after he was confronted by leaked documents from the Panama Papers dossier that showed that he and his wealthy wife had set up a company in the British Virgin Islands to shelter their money offshore.
It led to accusations of a conflict of interest because the company in question had a multimillion-dollar claim on Iceland`s failed banks.
Iceland`s currency, stock market and several banks collapsed during the 2008 financial crisis.
  Pakistan Pakistan`s Supreme Court removed Prime Minister Nawaz Shariffrom office over corruption charges and Attorney General Ashtar Ausaf said Sharif was "disqualified for life," although the court did not explicitly ban him from running again.
The court ordered that criminal charges be filed against him and his family.
His removal stems from revelations, also in the Panama Papers, that his family owned offshore accounts that enabled them to buy expensive property in London their incomes would not allow.
   South Korea  Ex-president Park Geun-hye became the country`s first democratically elected leader to be forced from office when, earlier this year, she was impeached over an influence-peddling scandal.
She was accused of letting a close confidante intervene in government affairs and have access to classified information.
 Hundreds of thousands of South Koreans, angered by a perceived collusion between the country’s political and business elites, held protests to demand her resignation.
She is being tried separately on a string of criminal charges, including bribery and discrimination.
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