Scaramucci unleashes profanity-filled rant against fellow Trump aides Priebus, Bannon

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Anthony Scaramucci, the new White House communications director, unleashed a profanity-filled tirade against White House chief of staff Reince Priebus and chief strategist Steve Bannon in an interview with the New Yorker that was published late Thursday afternoon.
Scaramucci called New Yorker reporter Ryan Lizza, pressing him to reveal his source for a tweet that President Donald Trump was having dinner with Scaramucci and others.
Scaramucci insisted Priebus leaked the story and vowed to fire everyone.
"I`ll get to the person who leaked that to you," Scaramucci told The New Yorker reporter.
"Reince Priebus — if you want to leak something — he`ll be asked to resign very shortly.



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