Macau investigates weather bureau after deadly Typhoon Hato

by 7:30 AM 0 comments
HONG KONG - Macau’s anticorruption agency has launched an investigation into the Chinese casino hub’s meteorological office after a deadly typhoon struck last week, leaving 10 dead.
The corruption agency said in a statement late Monday that it is investigating the meteorology bureau’s forecasting procedures and management, including former director Fong Soi-kun, who resigned after Typhoon Hato.
It said it had received numerous complaints and requests to investigate the weather bureau in the wake of the storm.
More: At least 16 dead as Typhoon Hato floods Macau, southern China Hato lashed Macau with heavy winds and rain that flooded large parts of the city, knocked out power and water supplies and left more than 240 people injured.
In an unprecedented move, troops from China’s People’s Liberation Army, who are normally confined to barracks, were deployed to help with cleanup efforts.
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