Balance of Power: Bombardier Saga Spells Trouble for May

by 4:30 AM 0 comments
President Donald Trump promised the British prime minister a “big and exciting” trade deal once the U.
leaves the European Union.
The headline in today’s Telegraph told a different story: “Theresa May threatens U.
with trade war over Bombardier row.
” The dispute over punitive U.
tariffs imposed on the Canadian aircraft manufacturer is a double blow for May: it threatens jobs at a Bombardier plant in Northern Ireland, and points to failed efforts to lobby the U.
president to protect British interests.
Above all, it demonstrates how post-Brexit Britain will be on its own.
As the Bombardier spat unfolded, a look across the Channel offered a contrasting picture.
President Emmanuel Macron gave his blessing to a merger of the rail businesses of France’s Alstom and Siemens of Germany.
The European giant fits his vision of a united EU able to go toe-to-toe with the U.
The lesson, according to Guntram Wolff of the Bruegel think tank, should not be lost on May: “Small countries can get more easily bullied than large unions,” he says.
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Global Headlines Sugar-coated growth predictions?| Economists say Trump’s proposal to slash the corporate tax rate to 20 percent may not provide the sustained job growth that he and congressional leaders are touting.
And now — as Republicans strive to project unity heading into the tax overhaul debate — the American Enterprise Institute’s Alan Viard is warning a lesser-noticed provision of the framework might spur a short-term economic “sugar high.
” Click here for full coverage of the Republicans’ tax-plan rollout.
Facebook in hot seat | Lawmakers frustrated with Facebook’s response to allegations that Russia used social media to influence last year`s U.
election will get a chance to voice their displeasure.
Top brass at Facebook, Twitter and Google have been asked to appear before congressional panels, starting next month.
Mark Zuckerberg took note: “This is too important an issue to be dismissive,” the Facebook CEO said.
Abe opponents join forces | An October election is a closer contest after Japan’s biggest opposition party merged with a new group led by Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike, who is rising in the polls.
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, whose Liberal Democratic Party has ruled for all but a handful of years since the 1950s, is still some way ahead, but needs to lock in a two-thirds majority in parliament to avoid a potential party leadership challenge next year.
  Who’s going to replace Merkel`s right-hand man? | Germany’s Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble is set to give up the post that made him a dominant figure during the euro-area debt crisis, signaling a watershed moment as Chancellor Angela Merkel puts together a new government.
Here’s a look at contenders to replace the 75-year-old veteran of six previous cabinets.
Cigars, bubbly, and subs | Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is facing tangle of allegations ranging from secret talks with a media baron to negotiate favorable coverage and that he and his wife accepted expensive Champagne and Cuban cigars from a Hollywood billionaire.
 As Jonathan Ferziger and David Wainer write, Netanyahu has said he did nothing wrong, and voters seem willing to forgive any transgressions for now — but if he ends up being implicated in a third graft case over a submarine contract, his government could collapse.
 Playboy’s Hugh Hefner, who died late yesterday at the age of 91, enraged feminists and moralists alike.
Yet the magazine he founded was such a force in 20th Century America that it’s been a forum for presidents past and present.
Trump appeared on the cover in 1990 and gave an interview that has become required reading for some foreign leaders.
Jimmy Carter famously told the publication in 1976, “I’ve committed adultery in my heart many times.
” And Martin Luther King, Jr.
granted his longest-ever interview to the magazine after winning the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964.
  — With assistance by Karl Maier.



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