Maori Party Out of Parliament in Blow for Ruling National Party

by 8:30 AM 0 comments
New Zealand’s Maori Party, which has supported the government the past nine years, failed to return to parliament after leader Te Ururoa lost his electorate seat.
Flavell, who was Minister of Maori Development.
conceded the Waiariki seat to his Labour Party challenger in a speech to supporters late Saturday.
No other party candidate was able to win a seat, and it attracted just 1.
1 percent support in the party vote -- beneath the threshold needed.
“The people have spoken, and I can’t get away from that,” Flavell said.
“I am so disappointed with this result.
We didn’t come through.
” Without the Maori Party, the ruling National Party will need to look elsewhere to form a government.
2 percent support with 90 percent of results counted, and will likely need backing from New Zealand First which has 7.



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