North Korea may detonate nuclear bomb in Pacific, foreign minister tells reporters

by 9:00 PM 0 comments
North Korean Minister of Foreign Affairs Ri Yong Ho said that his country may consider a test of a hydrogen bomb in the Pacific Ocean, according to a report from South Korea`s official news agency Yonhap.
Ri said the potential test of "the most powerful detonation of an H-bomb" would be one possible "highest-level" action against the U.
, according to the report.
He added that he didn`t know what actions would be ordered by Kim Jong-un, Yonhap reported.
Ri`s threat is significant because such a detonation would move North Korea`s nuclear weapons activities beyond its borders for the first time.
Japan, for example, lies between North Korea and the Pacific Ocean.
The communist dictatorship`s previous nuclear tests have taken place in its isolated mountains.
Hydrogen bombs are more powerful by an order of magnitude than the atomic bombs that North Korea tested in previous years.
The country claims that an atomic test it carried out early this month was an H-bomb.
Ri is in New York attending the United Nations General Assembly.
The news immediately sent the Japanese yen higher.
Despite Japan`s proximity to North Korea, its currency regularly benefits when investor anxiety suddenly rises.



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