UK leader Theresa May wants transitional Brexit deal but offers little detail

by 9:00 AM 0 comments
Prime Minister Theresa May said her government wants a transition phase before her country leaves the EU completely, but failed to provide solid details on what this period would ultimately look like.
Speaking to an audience in Florence, Italy, May said that businesses and citizens will need a period to adapt to a world where the United Kingdom no longer belongs to the EU.
One of the key changes will be a new immigration system, she said, which could take two years to implement.
"It will take time to put in place the new immigration system required to re-take control of the U.
So during the implementation period, people will continue to be able to come and live and work in the U.
; but there will be a registration system – an essential preparation for the new regime.
As of today, these considerations point to an implementation period of around two years," May said.
Such a transition period should be agreed as soon as possible and be time-limited, May added.



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