Trump is said to be planning his most drastic move yet to end Obamacare

by 9:00 PM 0 comments
President Donald Trump is planning to end an important subsidy that is helping to support the Affordable Care Act, Politico reported Thursday evening.
The payments are to insurers selling Obamacare coverage and are worth billions this year, the outlet reported, citing two sources with knowledge of the matter.
Republicans have repeatedly attempted to repeal President Barack Obama`s signature health-care bill, but have not yet succeeded.
Earlier Thursday, Trump signed a new executive order aimed at expanding health-coverage options and reducing costs for millions of Americans — an order that Obamacare defenders fear will damage gains made under that health-care law.
For more on the president`s reported plans, see the report in Politico.
—CNBC`s Dan Mangan contributed to this report.



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