Anti-extremist crackdown on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter only solves part of the problem

by 9:30 PM 0 comments
SAN FRANCISCO — After a string of deadly terrorist attacks in Europe and the U.
, Facebook, Twitter and Google moved to more aggressively flag and boot terrorist recruiters and propaganda arms from their platforms.
That may not be enough.
In the wake of a truck attack by a self-proclaimed ISIS supporter in New York City Tuesday evening, which left 8 dead, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo called the Internet "the training ground" for violent attackers, echoing a frequent complaint by lawmakers that the major Internet platforms still make it too easy for extremists to learn and organize.
In the case of Sayfullo Saipov, a 29-year-old truck driver from Uzbekistan, at least some of his motivation came from online.
He told investigators during an interview in his hospital room on Wednesday that he was inspired to carry out an attack in the United States by ISIS videos he watched on his cell phone.
  Investigators found 90 videos and 3,800 photos of ISIS-related propaganda on one of two cell phones found in the truck he had rented, according to a criminal complaint filed by federal prosecutors on Wednesday.
They included videos that appear to be of a prisoner being run over by a tank, ISIS fighters shooting a prisoner in the face, a video of a beheading and a video providing instructions on how to make an explosive device.
  From the wording of the complaint, it appears the videos had been downloaded to the phone and were not streamed from the Internet.
 It wasn`t clear where Saipov had obtained the videos or the images found on the phone.
In past attacks, the search for means and motivation has quickly shifted to the availability of how-to and inspirational content found online — and frustration from lawmakers followed in rapid succession.
 For instance, thesuicide bomber who in May killed 22 people at the end of an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, England used YouTube videos to learn how to build the explosive device.
More: Facebook, Google, Twitter pressured to do more to fight terrorism on platforms More: UK official: Get terrorist content off Facebook, YouTube and Twitter More: YouTube says it`s removing terrorist and extremist content faster More: YouTube redirects ISIS recruits to anti-terrorist videos Experts who study the networks that distribute extremist material say U.
companies are doing a much better job of keeping terrorists and their supporters of their platforms.
But even as they do so, those who seek it out are shifting where and how they look.
Facebook, Google and Twitter are now removing extremist content “at a rapid clip.
And if you’d asked me that same question two years ago, I would have given you a different answer,” said Seamus Hughes, deputy director of the program on extremism at George Washington University.
Facebook has ramped up efforts to remove terrorists and posts that support terrorism.
It says it uses artificial intelligence to help track down content in addition to relying on staff and the larger Facebook community, including matching to detect known terrorism photos or videos and or wording that might praise or support terrorist organizations.
  Facebook general council Colin Stretch said Wednesday during a Senate Intelligence Committee hearing that Facebook is aiding law enforcement in its investigation.
Google is blocking more terrorist content on its YouTube platform and using targeted advertising so that when people search for terrorist content, they’re instead shown videos that undermine extremist recruiting efforts.
  Twitter says new tools allow it to befaster, smarter and more efficient about taking down accounts that violate its policies on terrorist content.
From January through June, it suspended almost 300,000 terrorist accounts, 20% more than the previous period.
Of those, 75% were suspended before their first tweet.
Still there, just more hidden Those moves haven`t wiped out the videos and viral posts that would encourage a curious would-be recruit to find a calling.
They`ve just made it more difficult.
It used to take “just seconds” to find links to beheading videos and other violent propaganda readily available on mainstream social media in the United States, said Veryan Khan, editorial director of the Terrorism Research and Analysis Consortium, a research and analysis repository of information about terrorism.
Today the process takes more steps.
Searching for information about certain topics, say the carnage in Syria or the situation in Palestine, quickly leads to websites or YouTube videos.
While the material and videos might be violent and raw, they’re not actually advocating anything, so they don’t get taken down.
"And we wouldn’t want them to be, these things are really happening.
It’s not fake, it’s just really sad,” Khan said.
However finding those and commenting on them might then lead to a user receiving a short-term link to a private discussion on an encrypted platform such as Telegram.
Once there, the Web surfer can find an entire ecosystem of anti-Western thought and material that may raise red flags on other networks.
This includes videos in multiple languages, well-designed online magazines, manifestos, downloadable posters and chat groups.
More: After first fatal terror attack since 9/11, New York reaction combines regret, satisfaction More: NYC terror attack: What we know now about the truck attack in Manhattan This is where the Internet is able to leverage what once might have simply been a slight bent towards an anti-Western worldview into full-blown activism, or worse.
“People tend to seek content that confirms their biases and make them comfortable with their preexisting world view.
Unfortunately that holds true with extremists too,” said Brian Levin, director of the Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism at California State University, San Bernardino.
Already primed The kind of person drawn to the material is also changing.
Even three years ago someone researching information about the Syrian conflict or Islamic State wouldn’t have been too far from stumbling on an ISIS recruiter who would be required to lure them in, said Hughes.
Only then would their move toward extremism have begun.
Today, people go looking for this kind of material.
“They’re already primed.
It’s not like they’re saying, ‘Oh, here’s an ISIS video.
I didn’t even know this existed.
’ They’ve already bought into it,” he said.
That process almost always involves a combination with interactions online and with people they know in real life.
“Yes, they’re online.
But they’re also sitting next to their best friend in the same room,” watching the videos, said Hughes.
The radicalization process is also becoming shorter, in part because of the constant drumbeat of attacks worldwide.
Images of Paris, London, Barcelona, Birmingham and New York are in and of themselves a kind of propaganda mechanism, said Levin.
Too much to stop Even if the Internet were to be shut down tomorrow, the sheer amount of Jihadist material available on hard drives around the world would be used to continue to push these ideas, say experts.
Still, the more obstacles that can be put in people`s way the better.
Trouble finding copies of the slick ISIS online propaganda magazine Rumiyah could be the difference between someone giving up on the idea of perpetrating an attack and one being carried out.
Other worry that pushing things into the corners is more dangerous than having them in plain sight.
“The more effective we are at limiting their ability to communicate these concepts , the more they go back down these holes and which to me is scarier.
I’d rather know what they’re planning,” said Khan.
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