North Korea Soldier Defects to South Korea Despite Being Shot

by 5:30 AM 0 comments
A North Korean soldier defected across a sensitive area of the border dividing the Korean Peninsula despite being shot by his fellow troops, South Korea’s military said Monday.
"South Korea received a North Korean soldier who defected from a North Korean guard post” near the Joint Security Area, the Joint Chiefs of Staff said in a text message.
The soldier was taken directly to hospital.
The Joint Security Area is the only part of the demilitarized zone where forces from both countries stand face-to-face.
The last reported defection by a North Korean soldier was in late June.
A Defense Ministry official didn’t immediately know the last time a North Korean soldier was shot while defecting.
While defection by a North Korean soldier or civilian isn’t rare, it’s difficult to cross the border by land in the JSA area as it is heavily guarded.



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