While the list price of the aircraft is $49.5 billion, Airbus confirmed that "regretfully" the private equity firm did not pay that price, with the final cost not being revealed.
Nonetheless, the deal puts an emphatic full stop on the career of Airbus sales chief John Leahy who is set to retire after more than 20 years as the firm`s marketing boss.
Airbus had been trailing rival Boeing this year in terms of new jet orders but this huge order puts the European planemaker firmly back on the front foot.
John Leahy said in a statement that an order for 430 aircraft is "remarkable."
"But it`s particularly gratifying to all of us at Airbus when it comes from a group of airline professionals who know our products as well as the folks at Indigo Partners do. We are proud to augment their airline fleets," he said.
US private equity firm places near $50 billion order with Airbus, one of the biggest deals in history
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