In the previous session, U. stocks finished deep in the red as higher interest rates continued to weigh on sentiment.
The Dow Jones industrial average finished the session down 1,032.46 — entering correction territory. In addition, investors have been on edge, as developments in the political space surface.
Late Thursday, it became apparent that parts of the U. government would be entering a shutdown, after the Senate failed to secure the passing of a spending bill by the midnight deadline.
During Friday`s early hours, however, the Senate managed to pass a short-term funding bill, paving the way to boosting military and domestic spending. The measure then headed to the House, where resistance was expected.
Before the U. open however, the House decided to pass the bill and send it to President Donald Trump for it to be signed — helping end the brief government shutdown.
On Friday, earnings and economic data will continue to trickle in as the trading week draws to a close. In corporate news, Moody`s, PG&E and CBOE are set to publish earnings ahead of the bell. Wholesale trade data is due to come out at 10 a.
No speeches by the U. Federal Reserve are scheduled to take place Friday.
US stock markets set to rally at the open after Dow plummets 1,000 points and enters correction territory
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