Austria looks into broadening Airbus fraud lawsuit to U.S., Britain

by 12:00 AM 0 comments
On Feb.
16, Austria`s defense ministry announced it would sue Airbus and Eurofighter in Austria, accusing them of misleading Vienna about the purchase price, deliverability and equipment of the jets.
On Friday, a spokesman for the defense ministry confirmed a report by Austrian newspaper Kurier.
The defense ministry has said it had found Airbus and the consortium illegally charged nearly 10 percent of the purchase price of 1.
96 billion euros for so-called offset deals.
VIENNA Austria may broaden a lawsuit against Airbus and the Eurofighter consortium to U.
and British courts, alleging wilful deception and fraud linked to its 2003 order for jet fighters worth nearly 2 billion euro ($2.
1 billion).
"It is not ruled out that after completing investigations, making a request to the English or U.
American authorities might be considered," the ministry spokesman said on Friday.



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