Farm Wages to Show Real-Time Impact of Trump Deportation Policy

by 11:30 PM 0 comments
?The farm labor discussion is around whether or not our country wants to import our labor or whether they want to import their food,? he said.
?We?re really anxious to have a seat at the table and have a serious conversation about farm labor,? Duvall said in an interview on Bloomberg Radio.
?You would see operations just shut down,? said Zaid Kurdieh, who employs about two dozen legal immigrants at Norwich Meadows Farm in central New York state.
The administration is arguing the moves are necessary to fulfill campaign promises to restore the integrity of national borders, while critics call it a detailed blueprint for the mass deportation of 11 million undocumented immigrants.
Trump?s immigration plan, outlined in memos on Tuesday, would add 15,000 border-enforcement agents to enforce immigration laws and expand the categories of undocumented immigrants targeted for expulsion.



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