Asia`s cocktail scene has undergone a total "evolution," according to the head of one of the largest bar chains in Singapore.
And more bars in Asia-Pacific are making their name globally: 2016 saw nine Asia-Pacific bars on Drinks International`s list of World`s 50 Best Bars.
Harry`s International, which has been around since 1992, owns 19 bars nationwide, and also has a presence in India and Myanmar.
Last year, the alcoholic beverage industry in Asia Pacific was valued at $234 billion, up from $200 billion from the year before, according Euromonitor International.
Two individuals saw an opportunity in that and conceptualized the idea of a "Singapore Cocktail Festival" that could offer bar-goers spirit masterclasses, themed cocktail rooms and bar tours that would provide a platform for consumers to "taste, learn and play.
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