French presidential candidate Francois Fillon said the outcome of the Dutch election shows center-right parties like his Republicans are best-placed to fight the rise of populism.
Running on a pro-business, pro-trade platform, Fillon was the initial front-runner in France?s presidential race after winning the Republican nomination in November.
Fillon is polling in third place, 6 points behind Macron.
?This success shows once more that when the right and the center have a clear platform and defend their values without any concessions, they?re the best defense against populism and extremism,? Fillon said in a tweet Thursday.
Dutch voters gave victory to pro-European parties including Prime Minister Mark Rutte?s Liberals in Wednesday?s vote, beating off the anti-Islam Freedom Party of Geert Wilders, who had pledged to pull the Netherlands out of the European Union, abandon the euro and stop immigration by Muslims.
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