Play FacebookTwitterEmbed Trump Criticizes Ruling Blocking on Travel Order 0:59 autoplay autoplay Copy this code to your website or blogU.S. District Judge Derrick Watson, who said the restraining order applies nationwide, said Trump`s travel order was religiously discriminatory.
He and the state argued that Trump`s order would discriminate on the basis of nationality and would harm tourism and recruitment of foreign workers.
"Watson, whom President Barack Obama appointed to the district court in 2013, didn`t formally rule on the constitutionality of Trump`s order itself.
Washington Attorney General Bob Ferguson, whose office challenged the initial executive in a lawsuit that resulted in its being blocked, called the Hawaii ruling "fantastic news" on Twitter.
But Watson wrote that he believed Hawaii had a "strong likelihood of success on the merits" in its attempt to overturn Trump`s order on religious grounds.
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