The same survey also noted that 17 percent of the group`s European corporate travel managers had cancelled business travel plans for the same reason.
A survey by the Global Business Travel Association (GBTA) found that 45 percent of its European members were less likely to plan travel to the U.S. after the restrictions were announced.
In response to the ban, would-be travelers from countries not on the updated ban list say they are reconsidering their trips.
President Donald Trump`s controversial travel ban could affect the U.S. tourism sector, and related industries, in coming months as visitors reassess their holiday plans and business trips stateside, according to various reports.
Following the release of Trump`s updated, second attempt at the travel ban, AirAsiaExpedia CEO Jonty Neal told CNBC that "with this new order, and in particular its impact on travel to the U.S. from Asia, it`s really too soon to tell.
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