France`s Le Pen still has a 40% chance of victory

by 6:30 AM 0 comments
"Hence, we caution against extrapolating the Dutch results, and continue to see a 40 percent chance of a Le Pen victory in France," UBS analysts added.
Le Pen has pledged to hold a referendum on EU membership within six months of becoming president and has also called for France to ditch the single currency altogether.
Europe`s establishment parties have vehemently argued that far-right populist groups, such as Le Pen`s NF, pose a real threat to the future of the EU.
Centrist candidate Emmanuel Macron has consolidated his position as the front-runner to win the French election in May, although Marine Le Pen still leads in April`s first round of the two-stage contest, according to opinion polls published Thursday.
Far-right parties in Europe are hoping to benefit from increased levels of support as Germany`s Alternative for Deutschland (AfD) party are poised to enter federal parliament for the first time in September and, perhaps even more significantly, Marine Le Pen`s anti-EU National Front (NF) are in contention to become France`s ruling party in May.



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