American Muslims Fear What Donald Trump Will Do Next

by 4:30 PM 0 comments
? Many of the Muslims gathered at a community center here on Sunday to learn more about President Donald Trump?s recent executive order won?t necessarily be targeted by it directly, but they were frightened anyway. The roughly 150 people at Silver Spring?s Muslim Community Center are worried about what Trump will do next. Pakistan isn?t on the list of countries in Trump?s executive order, but they want to see how things play out before making plans. The reason for that fear: Trump has only been president for nine days, and he already made a drastic policy change that disproportionately affects Muslims, whom he once vowed to bar from entering the country entirely. That doesn?t mean a U.S. citizen would have nothing to fear in a registry ? Beydoun said he thinks surveillance could allow the government to collect a considerable amount of information about American Muslims.



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