Residents of Los Angeles` Little Persia denounce Trump`s `unjust` travel ban

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Embracing the term Persian ? evoking carpets, cats and antiquity ? was a way to avoid connotations of terrorism and fanaticism. New York Yemenis stunned by Trump`s ban: `I feel like somebody has killed me` Read moreThe apparent normality deceived. California?s Iranians, who often prefer the term Persian to distance themselves from Iran?s current leadership, form a thriving community with roots stretching back decades. Just another Saturday in Tehrangeles, a portmanteau of Tehran and Los Angeles coined by exiles and their descendants ? also known as Little Persia, a term so well established Google Maps recognises it. Overnight, many of the up to 500,000 Iranians and Iranian Americans who live in southern California felt as though the US border had clanged shut.



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