Image caption Hafsa Mahrouwi takes issue with the idea that Islam is incompatible with Dutch cultureWhen Dutch populist leader Geert Wilders accused young Moroccans of making the streets unsafe, they were thrust into the centre of his election campaign.
But Dutch Moroccans, who make up just 2% of the population, have continued to feature prominently in the election debates.
I mean it needs some explanation and that goes for almost anything that Geert Wilders is saying.
Image copyright Getty Images Image caption Geert Wilders visited Volendam last week, after pausing his street campaign for security reasonsThe water-front high street is almost deserted and feels like Disneyland out of season.
"More stories about the Dutch election race:Hafsa shudders as she recounts having her headscarf ripped off just after the murder of the film-maker Theo van Gogh.
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