Students Allowed to Nap at School With Sleep Pods

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Play FacebookTwitterGoogle PlusEmbed Students Allowed to Nap at School With Sleep Pods 1:39 autoplay autoplay Copy this code to your website or blogLack of sleep, coupled with other teenage anxieties, can make it tough for students to focus on their education.
"Student Selema Graham told NBC News that whenever something big is about to happen, she has trouble sleeping the night before, so using her school`s sleeping pods has been helpful.
Several New Mexico high schools are trying a new approach to dealing with sleep-deprived students: letting them sleep.
While many schools are trying to delay their start times, some schools in Las Cruces have installed sleeping pods, where students can go to take 20-minute naps between classes.
Some parents may be skeptical of their children napping at school, but Dr.
Linda Summers, a sleep researcher at New Mexico State University.



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