French presidential candidate Francois Fillon

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Les Republicans party candidate for the 2017 presidential election Francois Fillon speaks during a press conference at his headquarters in Paris, France, March 1, 2017.
(Photo: YOAN VALAT, EPA)PARIS - French conservative candidate Francois Fillon is refusing to quit the presidential race despite receiving a summons Wednesday to face charges of faking parliamentary jobs for his family.
?I will not withdraw.
?Fillon denied all allegations and said legal procedure was not properly followed in the probe, which he called unprecedented and unacceptable during a presidential election campaign.
Once a front-runner in the race for the April-May two-round election, Fillon?s chances have slipped since the probe was opened in January.
Fillon abruptly canceled a campaign stop Wednesday after receiving the legal summons, prompting media speculation that he would quit the race.



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