Turkish town of Karamursel hails its `Superman` mayor

by 6:30 AM 0 comments
"Karamursel`s mayor rescued a diver who was about to be drown, whereas our mayor can`t even lay tarmac on the roads properly," grumbled one.
Mayor Ismail Yildirim was attending a ceremony at a pier to commemorate one of Turkey`s worst accidents at sea - the sinking of the SS Uskudar ferry in 1958, in which 272 people died.
His quick actions were caught on camera and local news outlets have praised him for it, with the Karamursel TV website even portraying him as Superman.
Image copyright YouTube/Ihlas News Agency Image caption Mayor Ismail Yildirim goes to the aid of a diver in troubleThe mayor of the Turkish town of Karamursel is being hailed as a bit of a hero after jumping into the sea to rescue a diver in difficulties, the Daily Sabah website reports.
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