At long, long last, after what seemed like aeons, the world`s most famous giraffe is preparing to give birth.
April the Giraffe, whose prolonged pregnancy has been watched by millions of amateur zoologists online, is hours away from the birth of her fourth calf.
Since a live feed of her enclosure started in February, she has become an internet celebrity.
But fans have been puzzled as to why the telltale hooves of the calf have taken so long to emerge.
Worry no longer. The live feed from the Animal Adventure Park in Harpursville, almost 200 miles (320km) north-west of New York City, definitely showed some hooves early on Saturday.
Park owner Jordan Patch confirmed the news in an excitable Facebook video soon afterwards.
"We are in labour, 100%!" he said. "Cancel your plans, it`s time to have a baby!"
This story will be updated with every small development on April`s delivery.
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